Certificate of Conformity GOST R


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EAC - Eurasian Conformity

Technical Regulations CU TR

Certificate of Conformity GOST R : main definitions

Since 1992, Federal Law of the RF N 2300-1 dated 02/07/1992 “On protection of Consumers as regards the protection of human health, safety and environment" stipulates that mandatory Certification of Conformity GOST R should be performed for the majority of products to certify that they comply with Russian standards,quality and safety requirements.

The Certificate of Conformity GOST R asserts that your products comply with Russian standards, quality and safety requirements.

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Application Scope and Concerned Products

As of March 2015 35 Technical Regulations are applicable on the territory of the Russian Federation :

CU TR 001/2011 on safety of railway rolling stock; effective date: 15/07/2014

CU TR 002/2011 on safety of high-speed railway transport; effective date: 15/07/2014

CU TR 003/2011 on safety of railway transport infrastructure; effective date: 15/07/2014

CU TR 004/2011 on safety of low-voltage equipment; effective date: 15/02/2013

CU TR 005/2011 on safety of packages; effective date: 01/07/2012

CU TR 006/2011 on safety of fireworks; effective date: 01/07/2012

CU TR 007/2011 on safety of products intended for children and teenagers; effective date: 01/07/2012

CU TR 008/2011 on safety of toys; effective date: 01/07/2012

CU TR 009/2011 on safety of perfumes and cosmetics; effective date: 01/07/2012

CU TR 010/2011 on safety of machinery and equipment; effective date: 15/02/2013

CU TR 011/2011 Lift safety; effective date: 15/02/2013

CU TR 012/2011 on safety of equipment in explosion hazardous environments; effective date: 15/02/2013

CU TR 013/2011 on requirements to motor and aviation petrol, diesel and marine fuel, reactive engines fuel and black oil; effective date: 31/12/2012

CU TR 014/2011 Road safety; effective date: 15/02/2015

CU TR 015/2011 on safety of grain; effective date: 01/07/2013

CU TR 016/2011 on safety of apparatuses working on gaseous fuel; effective date: 15/02/2013

CU TR 017/2011 on safety of light industry products; effective date: 01/07/2012

CU TR 018/2011 on safety of wheeled vehicles; effective date: 01/01/2015

CU TR 019/2011 on safety of individual protection means; effective date: 01/06/2012

CU TR 020/2011 Electromagnetic compatibility of technical devices; effective date: 15/02/2013

CU TR 021/2011 on safety of foodstuffs; effective date: 01/07/2013

CU TR 022/2011 Foodstuffs with regard to their marking; effective date: 01/07/2013

CU TR 023/2011 on safety of juice products made of fruit and vegetables; effective date: 01/07/2013

CU TR 024/2011 on safety of oil-fat products; effective date: 01/07/2013

CU TR 025/2011 on safety of furniture; effective date: 01/07/2014

CU TR 026/2011 on safety of small-size (pleasure) vessels; effective date: 01/02/2014

CU TR 027/2011 on safety of certain types of specialized foodstuffs, including for dietary therapy and protective diet; effective date: 01/07/2013

CU TR 028/2012 on safety of explosives and products on their basis; effective date: 01/07/2014

CU TR 029/2012 Safety requirements for food additives, flavouring agents and processing supplements;

effective date: 01/07/2013

ТР CU 030/2012 on requirements for lubricants, oils and special liquids; effective date: 01/03/2014

ТР CU 031/2012 on safety of agricultural and forestry tractors and trailers thereto; effective date: 15/02/2015

ТР CU 032/2013 on safety of pressure equipment; effective date: 01/02/2014

ТР CU 033/2013 on safety of milk and dairy products; effective date: 01/05/2014

ТР CU 034/2013 on safety of meat and meat products; effective date: 01/05/2014

ТР CU 035/2013 on safety of tobacco; effective date: 15/05/2016


The Gost R certification program concerns the products quoted in the RF Government Decree No. 982 dated 12/ 01/2009 on “Approval of the unified list of products subject to mandatory certification of conformity” and the information letter of the Federal Agency on Technical Regulation and Metrology dated 04/29/2011 on “the recent amendment of list of products subject to mandatory certification of conformity (certification and declaration) as well as applicable Russian standards”.

Since 2010, the application scope of this regulation underwent several modifications …

Certificate of Conformity GOST R RussiaMarket Launch

Prior to launching products/equipment onto the market, the manufacturer / representative should:

  • comply with basic health and safety requirements (GOST /GOST R standards)

  • apply procedures for evaluation of conformity

  • obtain the GOST R certificate and make sure that the latter is included in products

  • make sure that products bear the GOST R mark 

In practice, any products coming onto the Russian markets (sales outlets and commissioning sites) after customs clearance should include originals / certified copies of GOST R certificates.

The Certification of Conformity GOST R is a pre-requisite to obtain the RTN Permit to Use a technical device at hazardous production facilities.

For products not subject to mandatory certification, voluntary certification program may be applied.

The Certification of Conformity GOST R (mandatory)

Conformity assessment procedure

Mandatory certification of conformity

According to “Regulations for product certification” issued by Rosstandart for each product type, certificates are issued according to established certification programs.

These programs may include one or more of the following stages:

  • survey of administrative and technical documents

  • validation of specifications

  • testing the products

  • on-site inspections at the point of production

  • providing additional and preliminary certificates and/or registrations

  • translation in Russian language

  • development of labels for the Russian market

  • revising products  /related documents and bringing them into compliance with imposed requirements

Voluntary certification of conformity:

Even if some products / devices are not subject to mandatory certification GOST R, international manufacturers sometimes wish to obtain evidence of product compliance with Russian local standards. (For instance, to respond to an invitation for proposal). In that case, the procedure of voluntary certification can be applied.

Whether it comes to mandatory or voluntary certification, diverse certification schemes provide for procedures adapted to export conditions and to internal policy of exporter.

Certification by "certified copy" includes transactions within the framework of a fixed delivery contract or transactions involving products that can be easily identified (for example, by serial numbers of equipment).

The ongoing activity of export companies in Russia gave reasons for introducing certification program for a range of mass produced homogeneous products. Validity periods of serial production certificates may be up to 3 years, depending on continuity of production.

Validity periods. Obtaining certificates:

Certificate type


Issuance period

Period of preparation of certification documents

by exporter (standard procedure)

using one's own resources (compact procedure)

Mandatory Certificate of Conformity GOST R

Valid for one-time export: fixed delivery of a single product /product lot

5 working days *

1-2 months

10 working days

Mandatory Certificate of Conformity GOST R

Valid for up to 3 years: for mass production

25 working days *

1-2 months

10 working days

Voluntary Certificate of Conformity GOST R

Valid for one-time export: fixed delivery of a single product /product lot

5 working days *

1-2 months

10 working days

Voluntary Certificate of Conformity GOST R

Valid for up to 3 years: for mass production

25 working days *

1-2 months

10 working days

*- Validity periods are indicated from submission of complete package of documents and samples for analyses

Conformity Marking GOST

Mandatory certification of conformity

The Federal Law of the RF no. 2300-1 dated 02/07/1992 “On protection of Consumers as regards the protection of human health, safety and environment" stipulates that all consumer goods, both food and non food, exported to and distributed in Russia require Russian language labeling. The sale of imported products without consumer information in Russian is illegal. A visible GOST R mark must be affixed to products andor accompanying documents. See below for two versions of mandatory GOST R mark.

Voluntary certification of conformity

Once the procedure of voluntary certificationcompleted, the conformity mark will be affixed to products.

See below forvoluntary GOST R mark:

Conformity Mark GOST Russia

We offer solutions for:

  • obtaining GOSTcertificates of conformity (both voluntary and mandatory);

  • taking advice on product labeling, and on documents required for issuing GOST certificate;

  • organizing and supporting on-site inspections at the point of production by the authorized experts;

  • testing and analyzing your products at the authorized laboratories;

  • developing specifications and reference systems for voluntary certification;

Additional services:

  • monitoring of sector-specific regulations

  • monitoring of regulations: to pre-ensure that your products conform to all imposed requirements. for example: prediction analysis of serial production

  • providing applicable regulatory documents for your products (translation and comments by our experts).

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You may need to provide the following certificates or registrations for consumer goods/equipment. (Sometimes prior to obtaining the GOST certificate of conformity):

 Regulatory documents