From 11 December 2022, a new edition of CU TR 020/2011 on "Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment" is being applied. Regulatory amendments were adopted by Decision No. 91 of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) of 10 June 2022.

By this order, the Council approves the draft amendments to CU TR 020/2011, which involves expanding the list of products not subject to this CU TR, adding new definitions and clarifying terms, cancelling the protection clause, renaming Annex 2, and some other changes.

Extension of the list of products to which this CU TR does not apply

In addition to the existing positions, the following positions will be created:

  • Technical means to ensure security in the field of atomic energy;
  • Technical means used (operation);
  • Medical products;
  • Defence products.

In the event that electromagnetic compatibility requirements are established for technical equipment in other technical regulations, then CU TR 020/011 will cease to apply to them.

Clarification of existing terms

The new wording clarifies the definition of "importer" - "a resident of a Member State who has concluded an external trade agreement with a non-resident of a Member State for the transfer of technical means, implements those technical means and is responsible for their compliance with the electromagnetic compatibility requirements of this technical regulation."
Also in the new edition, the term "person authorized by the manufacturer" is indicated.

Adding new terms

It is proposed to add definitions:
"final consumer (user)" - a natural or legal person using a technical tool for the purpose for which it is intended, not linked to its integration into another technical tool;
"batch of technical means" - a set of technical means of the same name and/or designation, produced over a certain period of time under the same production conditions and accompanied by a shipping document;
"used technical equipment" means technical equipment showing one or more signs of operation (dirt, external and internal dust content, traces of exposure to extreme temperatures, liquids or sunlight, corrosion, patina, abrasions, scratches, dents and other damage, broken or modified settings and pre-sale programs, units, parts, components repaired or replaced, lack of gaskets, caps, protective coatings, shells, housings and other elements removed during operation), which has been used in accordance with its intended purpose by the consumer (user) for which there is documentary confirmation;
"domestic technical device" means a technical device intended for use by the consumer (user) for purposes not related to production, trade or other commercial activities, and which does not contain a prohibition on use in everyday life in operational documents.

Operational Document Requirements

The requirements for operational documents have been extended and it is also clarified that information on household technical equipment is presented on paper (a set of documents in electronic form may be attached) and that documents for non-household technical equipment are only made in electronic form.

Correction of the list of technical means not covered by CU TR 020/2011

Any equipment without active electronic circuits and powered by batteries and accumulators is not subject to CU TR 020/2011. In Annex 1, paragraph 3, it is proposed to leave the wording "Electric batteries and accumulators and equipment powered therefrom without active electronic circuits".

Expansion and specification of the list of IT equipment subject to certification

Personal computers (computers) refer to both personal computers and system units, as well as cash registers, including those that work in conjunction with a computer.

The list of equipment connected to the computer also includes photocopiers.